Comment 1 for bug 405034

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Sam Jacobs (sammyjayuk) wrote : Re: RFE: shrink maximized windows when active

I'd quite like this as well. I've tried devilspie, but it doesn't do struts and I can't find anything similar that does. Cellwriter has a docking feature, but it doesn't work in metacity (besides, the keyboard isn't its main function--cellwriter is primarily for handwriting recognition, which is pretty much useless on the capacitive touchscreen of the Joggler I'm using--so I'd much rather use onboard anyway).

Regardless of whether there is an application that can set a strut and force another application's window into it (and I'd very much like to know if there is, please!), there would be advantages, from my perspective at least, to integrating docking into onboard:

 - While, in most cases, a docked keyboard would be most useful, many windows would be too tall to fit in the remaining screen space on some devices (such as the 800x480 display on the O2 Joggler). With integrated docking support, you could easily undock the onboard window when needed.

 - It would be easier for the user to set up.

 - It would be more reliable in terms of showing and hiding the window--the strut would definitely get set and unset each time.

 - The size of the window (and the strut) could be changed easily by the user. Also, with layout switching, this could potentially enable different layouts to set the window height dynamically--for example, a layout with only cursor and a few other navigation keys could set itself to be 2/5 of the height of the normal layout.

That's all I can think of for now.
