Comment 6 for bug 1699844

Revision history for this message
Mattie Daniels (mattiedaniels) wrote :

The error message you're encountering indicates a problem with the settings.ui file of Onboard, specifically related to an attribute "id" that seems to be missing or incorrectly defined on line 2126. This issue typically arises from mismatches or errors in the XML definition of the UI file.

Here are steps you can take to address this problem:

    Check the settings.ui file: Navigate to /usr/share/onboard/ and locate the settings.ui file. Open it using a text editor or an XML editor that supports UI definition files.

    Inspect line 2126: Go to line 2126 in settings.ui and examine the XML code around that line. Look for any <object> elements and ensure they have an id attribute specified correctly.

    Correct the XML syntax: If the id attribute is missing or incorrectly defined, correct it according to the correct syntax for GTK UI files. An example of a properly defined object in GTK XML might look like this:


<object class="GtkLabel" id="label1">
  <property name="label" translatable="yes">Label Text</property>

Ensure your id attribute follows similar conventions and is unique within the scope of the UI file.

Validate the XML: After making corrections, validate the XML file to ensure there are no syntax errors. This can be done using an XML validator or simply by checking for any obvious syntax mistakes (unclosed tags, incorrect attribute values, etc.).

Restart Onboard: Once you've saved the corrected settings.ui file, restart the Onboard application to see if the issue is resolved. Sometimes, changes to UI files may require a restart to take effect.

Update or reinstall Onboard: If the problem persists and you suspect a more fundamental issue with the application installation or configuration, consider updating Onboard to the latest version available for your system. Alternatively, reinstalling Onboard can sometimes resolve persistent UI-related issues.