Comment 2 for bug 1366421

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marmuta (marmuta) wrote :

Onboard's D-Bus service is in Onboard/, class ServiceOnboardKeyboard. It's all python and not too hard to extend. We just have to keep in mind that the interface can't change in incompatible ways after release.

Something like a PauseAutoShow property perhaps. I think the main switch for auto-show should stay untouched, since it's persistent (saved to gsettings). PauseAutoShow would then act on top of i: if auto_show.enabled and not pause_auto_show: do_auto_show ...

If there is a halfway standardized way to get the tablet mode I could imagine adding the whole thing directly to Onboard too. I don't have access to one of these tablet/notebook hybrids, though. Are any D-Bus events generated when switching modes (dbus-monitor)?