Comment 8 for bug 1277255

Revision history for this message
Lee Hyde (anubeon) wrote : Re: Onboard should release all modifier locks on exit

>Or set Preferences->Keyboard->Advanced->Modifier auto-release delay. This would release modifiers after the given number of seconds, keyboard visible or not.

I had no idea that this preference existed. Thanks for the heads up.

>Yep, everything seems fine. Those warnings aren't critical and we have no control over them.

I figured as much. It's all gibberish to me mind, being a perennial 'end user'.

> Added it to trunk. By default the key release happens 5.0s after hiding.
> The delay can be changed with
$ gsettings set org.onboard.keyboard sticky-key-release-on-hide-delay 10.0
for example, or set it to 0.0 to have it disabled.

Excellent, thanks! This is exactly what I needed. I look forward to it landing in the PPA (though I may get impatient and build from trunk). Onboard developers are so responsive. :-D