Comment 6 for bug 1277255

Revision history for this message
marmuta (marmuta) wrote : Re: Onboard should release all modifier locks on exit

> clicking on this cross mearly hides onboard. Is this normal behaviour?
Yes it is. That icon may not be the best choice, but the tooltip says "Hide Onboard". Onboard has to keep running for auto-show, the panel indicator, etc. to work. I'd be too slow to start it up all the time too.

Francesco called it, I get it now. You want to have the modifiers released when Onboard hides. Makes sense, I remember talk about this before. Perhaps the key release should happen a few seconds after hiding, though. I'll look into this.

> I guess the answer (for me, for now) is to add a few more hotcorners and/or hotkeys so that I can unhide onboard when various modifier keys are locked, although this is far from ideal.
Or set Preferences->Keyboard->Advanced->Modifier auto-release delay. This would release modifiers after the given number of seconds, keyboard visible or not.

> Here is the terminal output. Note, I 'closed' onboard several times
> herein, but there was never any corresponding terminal output,
> nor did the onboard close and release the terminal.
Yep, everything seems fine. Those warnings aren't critical and we have no control over them.

> I have to dash off now, but I could run onboard with the/a debug option later if you'd like?
No need, thanks.