Comment 4 for bug 622718

Revision history for this message
Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा) (manishsinha) wrote :

@Patryk Zawadzki
I was the person who made that commit. I would like to address your points one by one

>> * you go with Pascal/Java-style "CamelCase" where XML calls for "hyphenated-names" or classic "camelCasing"
Didn't get this one.

>> * you use elements for atomic types where best practices call for an attribute (ie. "<trophy priority="2">)
Oh. I missed this. Will fix it.

>> * you've invented your own translation format ignoring the fact that intltool comes with out-of-the-box support for XML files
Please explain this a bit. I am lost here.

>> * you reference and import "xsi" and "xsd" namespaces despite not using any of them
Even though I worked a lot on XML, I have still not understood XML namespaces completely. On my day job, I use XML from XSD already provided by standardization teams inside the company.

>> * you provide your own schema for no apparent reason, you never reference it
Actually I did not create that schema. It is just part of the project so that people can know how to create the trophy files
I actually created the Data Structures(Classes) and serialized it. It generated the trophy XML file, from that XML file, I created the XSD file for third-party use, not our side. I just added it to the project so that we don' lose it and so that we can keep track of it.

>> * title is not translatable
I don't know, but we have discussed that Description is translatable. Probably

>> * the "friendly application name" is redundant as you can get a translated version from the referenced desktop file
We wanted the ApplicationName to be just an identifier for an application and FriendlyApplicationName to be some friendly name
e.g. "gedit" and "Gnome Text Editor"