Comment 6 for bug 1745999

Revision history for this message
markling (markling) wrote :

Numpty user scratches around in the dirt looking for some incy little nut that pinged off when he tried to attach some widget.

Choking and spluttering in all the dust kicked up down there, it's hard to see. There are all these big cowboy boots kicking around. Its a gabble of developers talking amongst themselves: "the nut... yeah the nut... and the bolt as well ... yeah ... and the thread ... yeah, the nut and the bolt and the thread ... no but, don't forget the oil though ... yeah, don't forget the lube ... yeah the nut and the bolt and the thread and the lube ... got that? ... yeah, 'course I've got that - what do you think I'm some sort of numpty or something? ... na-ah, i was just saying ... ".

They communicate by writing messages to one another on little bits of paper. Every now and again, one gets dropped and it floats down into the cloud of dust and boots, down there where the numpty user is scratching for answers. What's this, he says: "lube, bolts, guages ... eh?".

He bumps into some other numpty down there. "What the? ... its nuts innit? ... lube, you mean? ... no, nuts and threads ... what about bolts? ... come again? ... bolts ... never heard of them - don't you mean threads? ... dont ask me - don't you know anyone who knows anything about lube though? ... what's lube got to do with it? ... it says here on this scrap of paper I found in the dirt: 'lube' ... i really think you should be more concerned with nuts ... what nuts?".