Comment 8 for bug 1200155

Revision history for this message
ONESTEiN (info-lq) wrote :

I managed to solve the bug by adding
  import pretty
in the file in the formatter directory:

./eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/formatter/ pretty

Unfortunately, new errors occured.

 File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/features/steps/", line 5, in <module>
    import openerp
ImportError: No module named openerp

which I fixed by adding:

import sys

In the ./features/steps/ file.

Now, after running:

/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/bin/behave -k /home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/features/oerp_addons/product/product_sample.feature

The programm seems to work, but soon after it stops, due to a missing function:

@product @product_sample
Feature: Create the needed product # features/oerp_addons/product/product_sample.feature:13

  Scenario: Test product categories # features/oerp_addons/product/product_sample.feature:14
    Given there is a product category named "Devices"Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/bin/behave", line 42, in <module>
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/", line 111, in main
    failed =
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/", line 474, in run
    return self.run_with_paths()
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/", line 504, in run_with_paths
    failed =
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/", line 410, in run
    failed =
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/", line 687, in run
    if not
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/", line 1012, in run
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/eggs/behave-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/behave/formatter/", line 149, in match
    self._match.location, self.monochrome)
  File "/home/jeroen/workspace/oerpscenario/features/support/", line 115, in print_step
    location = self.indented_location(location, proceed)
AttributeError: 'PrettyFormatter' object has no attribute 'indented_location'

I am stuck now, I have tried some things, for example adding an indented_location function (which does not do so much),
but this gives new problems.

Does any has an idea what is going on here?
