Comment 0 for bug 1942789

Revision history for this message
jeremyszu (os369510) wrote :

RTD3 is a nvidia GPU feature to support runtime suspend.

On-demand would be a X offloading feature.

They are independent, according to discussion on

Some parts need to be adjusted, e.g.

    # If we are dealing with NVIDIA PRIME, and runtimepm
    # is supported, enable it
    if (os.path.isfile('/run/nvidia_runtimepm_supported') and
        print('Trying to select the on-demand PRIME profile')
  ['prime-select', 'on-demand'])

        # Create the override file for gpu-manager
        with open('/etc/u-d-c-nvidia-runtimepm-override', 'w') as f:
            f.write('# File created by ubuntu-drivers\n')