Comment 143 for bug 1842320

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m1st0 (m1st0) wrote (last edit ):

@madzohan Congrats to you. It is nice to get things working for now.
 From my comment around #41 above and related workarounds from there downward, it seems you tried a different compression scheme and found a smaller size in this case from zstd to xz.

I looked over your settings and options for xz compression, but also reading the man pages for XZ it shows that it is already at a -6 setting by default that makes the dictionary size 8M and uses lzma2 compression. XZ settings are already at default in /etc/sbin/mkinitramfs .

With your options it was a few MB larger than from xz default in my setup. I tried both xz settings. Finally, I switched back to zstd and my compression changes I made in /etc/sbin/mkinitramfs as my workaround. I got a good compression size, but people note online that zstd has great read speeds over xz no matter the compression level. So I decided to stay at zstd with only a 7 MB difference: from 125 MB on default xz to 131 MB on zstd with -q 22 compression in /etc/sbin/mkinitramfs .