Comment 8 for bug 2051604

Revision history for this message
Gregory Thiemonge (gthiemonge) wrote :


region_name = TN_DEV_NY_5_NET
endpoint_type = internal
ca_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
endpoint =


In 2023.2, we have deprecated the `endpoint_type` and `endpoint` parameters in favor of `valid_interfaces` and `endpoint_override`.
we added some code to convert automatically the "old" settings to the new ones, but I think there's a bug (I'm reproducing a similar issue in my env).

I found a possible workaround, if you rename the keys of the settings with the new names (only in the neutron section), it should work correctly:

region_name = TN_DEV_NY_5_NET
valid_interfaces = internal
ca_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
endpoint_override =

can you try that?

On my side, I'm working on a bugfix.