Comment 4 for bug 2046877

Revision history for this message
Gregory Thiemonge (gthiemonge) wrote :


2023-12-20 16:30:52.904 1194183 WARNING octavia.amphorae.backends.health_daemon.status_message [-] calculated hmac(hex=False): 1f3634c13fc0ef9b7f999a52e0bc80b7f587b8013a17782c58cdbae5cd5b62b6 not equal to msg hmac: 6139653333346536363264333261343363356335366233663734313265333536 dropping packet: octavia.common.exceptions.InvalidHMACException: calculated hmac: 35646161373335303962643234646363616532323137316637636130343934306430663831626536303162653661376131393132363530643334316362303866 not equal to msg hmac: 36356334376532653739363466623330663131376463316561623431626439376139653333346536363264333261343363356335366233663734313265333536 dropping packet

indicates that the heartbeat_key value is not the same on the octavia controllers and in the amphora instances.

it's a common problem when you update the value while some amphorae are already created.

to fix it, there are 2 methods:
- update the settings in the amphorae: `openstack loadbalancer amphora configure <amphora_id>` (you can get the list of amphorae with `openstack loadbalancer amphora list`)
- recreate new amphorae for the existing LBs: `openstack loadbalancer amphora failover <amphora_id>` (note: `openstack loadbalancer failover <lb_id>` works too)