Comment 2 for bug 2027995

Revision history for this message
Thong Tran (thongth98) wrote :

I encountered an issue related to network interface name alias support in the new kernel, specifically while testing on Ubuntu 22.04.

To resolve this problem, I made adjustments to a script responsible for assigning interfaces to namespaces. These adjustments involved removing the alternate name using the 'grep -v "altname"' command.

Link source:

ExecStart=-/bin/sh -c '/sbin/ip link | grep -v "altname" | awk \'{getline n; print $0,n}\' | awk \'{sub(":","",$2)} { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "link/ether") {print $(i+1) " " $2} }\' | sort -k 1 | join -j 1 - /var/lib/octavia/plugged_interfaces.sorted | awk \'{system("ip link set "$2" netns amphora-haproxy name "$3"")}\''