Comment 1 for bug 1353559

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Keith Jones (k-e-jones) wrote :

Hi again (again),

 I just posted an article I'd found to Didier's request (Bug #1249006) with the realization that it actually was something common to both our bug reports.

 If you're not of a sensitive nature there's a full on geek argument on technet arguing the pro's and cons of WMI behaviour with disk/volume serial numbers (

 In essence, it appears that vendors definitely don't work to a common standard. Although it appears that the serial number for a disk (or volume) is encoded as a hex string, it just as likely that it's not. Didier's issue seems to arise from the disk serial number looking like a perfectly convertible hex string but ending up with a binary mess. The same is probably happening for me too.

 Can I un-suggest the solution idea's above and re-suggest the following please?

 a) Discard entries where there are non-printable characters and return a string to indicate that the encoding was "<unrecognizable>" to highlight the issue.
     - because, if there are endian and ascii vs unicode issues it's too hard to guess at the vendor's intentions.
 b) Otherwise return the serial number as is
    - because, it's equally impossible to tell if a disk serial number is genuinely hex encoded or just abstract;y named in a hex-like way

 I appreciate that this will mean some thinking about the field lengths in the server but it feels like it would a more robust approach.

 The technet thread suggests that disk serial numbers being hex encoded is a bit of an urban myth...

