Comment 0 for bug 1213924

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Craig Gowing (credativ) (craiggowing) wrote :

Tested on 7.0 (r4013) and trunk (r3816) using Google Chrome 28.0.1500.95 (Linux amd64)

Current behaviour of the many2one field in a list view (eg adding SO lines in a quotation), typing in a search query with results and then deselecting the field will result in the first search result to be populated automatically. When quickly adding SO lines this is a useful feature.

However when you type a search query and select "Search Move...", this results in the field losing focus and also populates the first search result in the field as well as bringing up the search dialogue. This may be misleading, especially if you close the search dialogue without selecting anything.

I propose that the behaviour of the "Search More..." dialogue should result in the many2one field being left blank until a result is actually selected in the dialogue.
