Comment 11 for bug 1190313

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Nicolas Bessi - Camptocamp (nbessi-c2c-deactivatedaccount) wrote :


That's true that report webkit is an additional addon but it also an official addons and we have already some trace of it in RNG of server.

That said, I agree with Olivier that it would be better to keep webkit report encapsulated when possible and it is probably a better solution to have a glue module that's does auto installation. But to accept this approach it means the new module becomes an official addon in trunk.

Now I see a problem in term of desing with the EDI, (but i'm not familiar with it so correct me if I'm wrong). It is a common point to have many reports on a model so beeing able to choose which report we want to use is a good think even if the usage fields is not really meaningful taking the first report in the list will be a real desing error, you do not want to send internal report to customer.

An other point is that with the OpenERP XML behavior you can replace any RML report by an webkit one or any other one. For me the filter on the report type is not revelant an can prevent any report to be sent. Also why EDI should only generate PDF.

I think a good idea for V 7.0 would be to add a hook function on EDI model like _get_report_id that has a default behavior and return a report id.

That way at least it will be easy to have a custom function to retrieve report on any edi model (by XML ID, by name etc), and it will be easy to add a glue module. I will also remove the pdf filter (but there is may be a good reason to hve this filter I missed).

