Comment 2 for bug 628096

Revision history for this message
CarlosJC (cervus) wrote :

Yes, I saw the date. However, I recently compiled oblogout on Debian SID and found the same strange bug.

My setup:
Debian SID
Openbox 3.5.0
Python 2.7.3rc2

My oblogout.conf (relevant section only):
usehal = true

shutdown = sudo shutdown -h now
restart = sudo shutdown -r now
suspend = sudo pm-suspend
hibernate = sudo pm-hibernate
safesuspend = sudo pm-suspend-hybrid
lock = xscreensaver-command -lock
switchuser = dm-tool switch-to-greeter
logout = openbox --exit

The issue:
When I click on, for example "Lock", I get the message "sh: 1: gnome-screensaver-command: not found". However, it should execute "xscreensaver -lock".

Therefore, oblogout is loading the default configuration and not loading the file in /etc/oblogout.conf
