Comment 4 for bug 685749

Revision history for this message
Oleg Lomaka (olomix) wrote :

Looks like highlighting issue is resolved. Thanks.

As to latest stable emacs 23.2, mumamo uses a new function syntax-propertize-function, that was introduced in emacs cvs brunch and thus don't exists on 23.2 version. Actually this is another issue, I can file another ticket, if you want. I was thinking 2.09 beta doesn't suppose to work with non-cvs emacs.

If it would be helpful, here is the backtrace from emacs 23.2 opening a html file with 2.09 beta nxhtml:

MU:mumamo-fontify-region: Symbol's value as variable is void: syntax-propertize-function
** In buffer 1.html
  (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace))
  (progn (let (...) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string)))
  (unwind-protect (progn (let ... ...) (with-current-buffer standard-output ...)) (kill-buffer standard-output))
  (let ((standard-output ...)) (unwind-protect (progn ... ...) (kill-buffer standard-output)))
  (with-output-to-string (backtrace))
  (let ((format-string2 ...) (bt ...)) (mumamo-message-with-face (concat ... "
" ... bt) (quote highlight)) (apply (quote message) format-string2 lwarn-type args) (run-with-idle-timer 1 nil (quote mumamo-show-report-message)) (when mumamo-display-error-stop (setq font-lock-mode nil) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (apply ... format-string2 lwarn-type args)))
  mumamo-display-error(mumamo-fontify-region "%s" "Symbol's value as variable is void: syntax-propertize-function")
  (condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error ... "%s" ...)))
  (if (not mumamo-use-condition-case) (let* (... ...) (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose)) (condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error ...)))
  (mumamo-condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error ... "%s" ...)))
  (if (and mumamo-just-changed-major nil (= 0 ...)) (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "Just changed major, should not happen") (mumamo-condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error ...)))
  mumamo-fontify-region(1 105 nil)
  font-lock-fontify-region(1 105)
  run-hook-with-args(font-lock-fontify-region 1 105)
  byte-code("\302\303 #\207" [start next run-hook-with-args jit-lock-functions] 4)
  jit-lock-fontify-now(1 501)
  (let ((ret ...)) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-jit-lock-function EXIT %s, ff=%s, just-changed=%s" start (when start ...) mumamo-just-changed-major) ret)