Comment 2 for bug 667456

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leth (leth) wrote :

I experience the same problem,
And it seems like the problem lies in the fact that launchpad is stupid. (just my not-so-humble opinion)
Or you might say that it's cause web-vcs-get-files-on-page-1 assumes the server is actually using real directories, but i prefere blaming this on launchpad. stupid launchpad.

(in essence the file we want to download is but the directory ttp:// doesn't really exist. however the directory ttp:// exists but the file ttp:// does't exist and web-vcs-get-files-on-page-1 doesn't seem to like that. i didn't have time to look into nxhtml-web-vcs.el but i assume it uses the directory somehow)

As for more debugging i'm out of time and have to work now.