Comment 0 for bug 1347990

Revision history for this message
theli (theli-ukr) wrote :

Start nuvolaplayer, start playing any song in any service.
Pause song

Nuvola keeps sending nowplaying notification despite nor song nor playstate change.
There is no way to stop if from doing that apart from closing nuvola or switching service (to reset meta to null).

This leads to a situation where if you just pause the song (no other way, no actuall "stop" action) nuvola still keeps sending nowplaying updates every couple of seconds.

So you need to close nuvola for your nowplaying updates to work from a different place (like, leave nuvola running paused minimized and go for a walk with some other player running on your smartphone ..... and nuvolaplayer will keep overriding your nowplaying status)

From what I saw other players only update nowplaying if the state (play/paused) or metadata change. And there is no point to do that periodically from what I see.

Relevant debug output lines (with nuvola paused):
    Nuvola Debug lastfm.vala:769: lastfm update now playing: Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth
    Nuvola Debug lastfm.vala:769: lastfm update now playing: Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth
    Nuvola Debug lastfm.vala:769: lastfm update now playing: Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth
    Nuvola Debug lastfm.vala:769: lastfm update now playing: Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth
... etc