Comment 5 for bug 1304472

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Alex St Laurent (stlaurent01566) wrote : Re: Google Play hangs (Ubuntu 14.04 2.3.2-0.1~trusty)

So Tom got this warning:

Nuvola Warning servicesmanager.vala:98: Unable to load service from /home/mthaddon/.local/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay: /home/mthaddon/.local/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay is not a directory

I got the same warning (with alex instead of mthaddon).

And while running as root via gksudo, I got this warning:

Nuvola Warning servicesmanager.vala:98: Unable to load service from /root/.local/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay: /root/.local/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay is not a directory

All this while the service is in /usr/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay. Any way to change where Nuvola Player is looking without changing the source code?