Comment 0 for bug 1198486

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Mike L (mikerl) wrote :

You have done extensive work with this Player, and especially this streaming service, so I must thank you for that. Anyhow, even on the latest stable build with the Google Bar hidden, Google Plus is partially appearing and has a clickable button that shows notifications, even in 2.0.4. I really wish Google would STOP changing the damn layout every week or two for Google Plus and Play Music, since it's sucking up your time. Especially hard since you don't even get Play Music in your country. I'll try and get a screenshot. Probably requires yet another service update. If you need help, let me know since I use Play Music, and have no country restrictions (I live in the States). Thanks for your hard work! Running Raring 64 bit, and I will stay subscribed to the bugmail, so if you need any help getting the bug fixed, let me know.