Comment 1 for bug 602761

Revision history for this message
Ace Olszowka (aolszowka) wrote :

I believe we are seeing the same issue every so often, I'm grabbing the source to try the fix suggested by Andy Lindeman. Because the issue is transient it maybe hard to tell if the suggested fix actually worked. Here's our environment encase this helps:

NUnit Release:
OS: Windows Server 2008R2
CLR Version (As reported by Help->About NUnit in the GUI): 2.0.50727.4952

All of our Test Assemblies are built against .NET 4.0.30319 and forced x86. We're using the nunit-console-x86 application to run our unit tests with the following arguments:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.5.7\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console-x86.exe" /nologo C:\BuildOutput\Release\SomeUnitTest.dll /include=Smoke /xml=C:\BuildOutput\Release\SomeUnitTest.dll.TestResult.xml /framework=4.0.30319

This seems to have become more prominate since our swtich to .NET 4.0, although this could be a concidence.