Comment 0 for bug 958770

Revision history for this message
Yuri Astrakhan (yuriastrakhan) wrote : Add Assert.Throws( Func<T> ) for properties

Sometimes an object is in a certain state that causes reading its properties to throw exceptions. For example, the object might be disposed, and will throw InvalidOperationException().

To test for such behavior, one would write

var obj = CreateDisposedObject();

#pragma warning disable 168
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => { var v = obj.Name; }); // Assuming Name cannot be accessed passed disposing
#pragma warning restore 168

This is clearly inconvinient and instead can be remedied with this overload (and similar for error message formatting)

        public static T Throws<T>(Func<object> code) where T : Exception
            return Assert.Throws<T>(() => { var v = code(); });

Having this overload would allow us to write:

var obj = CreateDisposedObject();
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => obj.Name);

Much more consise and does not require pragmas.