Comment 5 for bug 830404

Revision history for this message
Bob Bib (bobbib) wrote :

When Ubuntu 11.04 came with Unity as default option, I played few minutes with it and switched to "classic mode".

And now with 11.10 I have no such option.
I tried to install full GNOME 3 (sudo apt-get install gnome-shell), an it's not better.
Then I Installed GNOME 3 fallback package (sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback), which shows up as "GNOME Classic" in LightDM.
It looks like a somewhat crippled version of classic GNOME, but it still possible to work with it after adding some applets.

Strangely enough, when I use the GNOME mode (no matter new, classic or pseudo-classic), some Unity services were still running in the background, such as Zeitgeist (user activities logging / indexing service) and BAMF (application matching framework). Solved it with uninstallation of these packages, though it also removes Unity (no remorse).