Comment 3 for bug 111563

Revision history for this message
toobuntu (toobuntu) wrote :

Szabolcs: the link you provided mentions that the patch "was approved by Alex Larsson and committed to trunk and
gnome-2-18 branch." I'm using Ubuntu Feisty, which uses GNOME 2.18, so it seems that I should not need to apply the patch. Please advise if I'm correct to think so.

Florent or Szabolcs: Also, since Florent stated that this is a limitation of ntfs-3g, please let me know the max recommended hdd size and the max recommended file size for transferring to ntfs volumes using ntfs-3g. I thought leaving the default ntfs format on my new drive would be a good idea so I can access the music, isos, etc., from M$win at work, but maybe I'll need to use ext2ifs (no journaling support, though) or set up a samba share on a running virtual machine when I need those files. Xfs is supposed to be better for large audio files, etc, anyway. But that would be extremely inconvenient, though.

Finally, I should point out that I never had ANY speed issues using the plain old ntfs-3g driver in Edgy (sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 ...). These issues first occurred for me using ntfs-config / mount.ntfs-3g in Feisty. In Edgy, I would move around large files, but only to partitions of a 60GB or 80GB drive (not 500GB like now).
