Comment 90 for bug 392204

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Spiralofhope (spiralofhope) wrote :

This is one of those issues where I can idly conclude that either the developers don't eat their own dog food (use their own product), the issue is a legal or social problem, or intentional.

I don't think my use case is particularly strange, and this problem is a show-stopper.

On top of that, the software I'm using (the game Path of Exile) appears to have some serious filesystem access inadequacies, and it's recommended that people use NTFS (even on Wine). Phooey.

So here's what I've tried:


Some of the earlier comments talked about perhaps-related issues being fixed in earlier versions, and about unofficial repository versions. I'm using Lubuntu 13.10, updated recently. My version of ntfs isn't hopelessly outdated.

  ntfs-3g --version

ntfs-3g 2013.1.13AR.1 external FUSE 29

I assume that any mainline fixes found a year or more before 2013.1 would have been included in what I'm using. I really don't want to get into compiling my own version to include anything more recent.

However, perhaps I should take compiling more seriously. Comment 32 gives some hope, even though it's quite old.


comment 77 mentions

  ntfsfix -d /path/to/mountpoint

I did this (after unmounting). There was no change.


comment 83 mentions using a big_writes flag, which I did via fstab:

UUID=FOO /path/to/mountpoint ntfs-3g defaults,noatime,uid=1000 0 2

There was no change. Perhaps that's to be expected. According to :

Version 2011.4.12AR.1 (May 18, 2011)
> defined a mount option big_writes to use application-defined write buffer sizes

I wouldn't be surprised if my particular use doesn't define some more-optimal write buffer size.