Comment 1 for bug 789039

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Jason Gerard DeRose (jderose) wrote :

Hi, we meet again! Thanks for filing this, and thanks so much for offering Novacut your expertise as a composer!

JACK integration wasn't on my radar at first, but your use case for music composition makes total sense and now I see how important this is.

I'd love your input on how exactly the workflow should work for this. I assume you want something more than just playing back the current edit with JACK to allow live work on the score? For example, is it useful to see annotations/notes from say the directory or writer? What kind of annotations do you want to be able to add yourself?

Another interesting workflow problem is I'm guessing as you work on a score, the editor/director might makes some tweaks to the edit, requiring tweaks to the score. So bits of the score need to be "pinned" to the correct scene in the edit. And that way the software knows when a scene has been changed, when the score might need a tweak to fit the new timing, pace, or mood. Am I on track here? Please enlighten me!

And some food for thought in terms of what could be possible as far as workflow: longterm we what Novacut to handle everything from collaborative screen writing, to driving production-day workflows and logistics, to the entire post-production workflow, to publishing. Now, we don't intend to have a single overloaded hyper-application... that would turn into a nightmare. But the point is that all this information is stored in the same, unified database, and then for various tasks we build very focused workflows that draw on whatever information that makes sense. So if it makes sense to see the script as you compose the score, you can (as an example... I don't know if that would actually make sense).

Anyway, thanks again and please feel free to dump any ideas into this bug report as they come to mind!