Comment 2 for bug 1837995

Revision history for this message
GUO Larry (larrygu) wrote :

Hi Matt Riedemann,

Thank you for looking into on this. I am trying to dig more today but found everything working well now for this command, no matter the user is admin or not, no matter the project is empty or not.

I didn't change anything between the time I reported the issue and now, just a weekend passed.

The timestamps I installed the OpenStack via packstack(RDO) is 20190723-185805-_OlLOQ. You can see the log of today:
2019-07-29 10:47:50.535 8692 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [req-d192ffe7-0085-4911-bb44-82fce08c1ea4 1e45ea9a7d5647a6a938c2ac027822f2 85dd8936d21b46a8878ed59678c7ad9a - default default] c5f::e2 "GET /v2.1/85dd8936d21b46a8878ed59678c7ad9a/os-simple-tenant-usage/85dd8936d21b46a8878ed59678c7ad9a?start=2019-07-01T02:47:49.717906&end=2019-07-30T02:47:49.717906 HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 1049 time: 0.2921960

The only difference from the API request is that the start time, the old one is June, the working one is July now. (Just Guess since My lab installed in July)

I have no lucky to trigger it again even I create a new project to try. But I can try to install a new one OpenStack in upcoming August to do a cross month query again.