Comment 2 for bug 1729741

Revision history for this message
Robert van Leeuwen (rovanleeuwen) wrote :

The problem seems to be here in the

    def _format_security_group_rule(self, context, rule, group_rule_data=None):
        """Return a security group rule in desired API response format.

        If group_rule_data is passed in that is used rather than querying
        for it.
        sg_rule = {}
        sg_rule['id'] = rule['id']
        sg_rule['parent_group_id'] = rule['parent_group_id']
        sg_rule['ip_protocol'] = rule['protocol']
        sg_rule['from_port'] = rule['from_port']
        sg_rule['to_port'] = rule['to_port']
        sg_rule['group'] = {}
        sg_rule['ip_range'] = {}
        if group_rule_data:
            sg_rule['group'] = group_rule_data
        elif rule['group_id']:
                source_group = self.security_group_api.get(
                    context, id=rule['group_id'])
            except exception.SecurityGroupNotFound:
                # NOTE(arosen): There is a possible race condition that can
                # occur here if two api calls occur concurrently: one that
                # lists the security groups and another one that deletes a
                # security group rule that has a group_id before the
                # group_id is fetched. To handle this if
                # SecurityGroupNotFound is raised we return None instead
                # of the rule and the caller should ignore the rule.
                LOG.debug("Security Group ID %s does not exist",
            sg_rule['group'] = {'name': source_group.get('name'),
                                'tenant_id': source_group.get('project_id')}
            sg_rule['ip_range'] = {'cidr': rule['cidr']}
        return sg_rule

As you can see it will do a:
 elif rule['group_id']:
        source_group = self.security_group_api.get(
                    context, id=rule['group_id'])

For each result with a group_id it will go to neutron to get the group info.
It could at least cache this within a single API call.
Even better would be if we could ask neutron to give the correct info in a single API call