Comment 0 for bug 1773542

Revision history for this message
huanhongda (hongda) wrote :

When there exists soft-deleted instances in my openstack,

Steps to reproduce
1) Set reclaim_instance_interval>0 to enable soft-delete;
2) Boot a new instance, then check quota_usages tables. Assume instances' in_use is 1, ram's in_use is 512, cores' in_use is 4.
3) Delete that instance, and it's status will migrate to SOFT_DELETED.
4) Check quota_usages tables. Both instances, ram and cores in_use is 0.
5) Execute "nova-manage project quota_usage_refresh --project <project-id> --user <user-id>".
6) Check quota_usages tables. The instances' in_use is 1, ram's in_use is 512, cores' in_use is 4.

Expected result
After the execution of quota_usage_refresh, both instances, ram and cores in_use should be 0.

Actual result
The instances' in_use is 1, ram's in_use is 512, cores' in_use is 4. That's because quota_usage_refresh will count all instances whose "deleted" field is 0 in "instances" table. And soft-deleted instance's "deleted" field is 0, so it will counted as in used.

This bug was found in Ocata. But Pike, Queens and master don't have this bug. As they have filtered out soft-deleted instances in quota usage counting.