Comment 2 for bug 814365

Revision history for this message
Chuck Short (zulcss) wrote :

This doesnt affect just the testsuite:

2011-07-25 11:12:18,787 AUDIT [YDZ135KETOL6H49LCNX3 chuck cloud] Revoke security group ingress mygroup
2011-07-25 11:12:18,787 ERROR nova.api [YDZ135KETOL6H49LCNX3 chuck cloud] Unexpected error raised: _revoke_rule_args_to_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ip_permissions'
(nova.api): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/home/chuck/work/server/openstack/testing/nova/nova/api/ec2/", line 323, in __call__
(nova.api): TRACE: result = api_request.invoke(context)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/home/chuck/work/server/openstack/testing/nova/nova/api/ec2/", line 78, in invoke
(nova.api): TRACE: result = method(context, **args)
(nova.api): TRACE: File "/home/chuck/work/server/openstack/testing/nova/nova/api/ec2/", line 618, in revoke_security_group_ingress
(nova.api): TRACE: criteria = self._revoke_rule_args_to_dict(context, **kwargs)
(nova.api): TRACE: TypeError: _revoke_rule_args_to_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ip_permissions'
(nova.api): TRACE:

If you have any questions please let me know.