Comment 0 for bug 2067757

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bryan (bryansoong21) wrote :

From Linux kernel v4.19 onwards, the nested KVM parameter is enabled by default for Intel and AMD. (Though your Linux distribution might override this default, here is the official documentation of this:

We are using OpenStack Zed on CentOS 9 and the VM is running on AMD compute nodes, and the kernel version is: 5.14.0-386.el9.x86_64.

When we created an instance on AMD server and set the "cpu_mode" to "none", we found that the "svm" feature is passed to the instance XML on libvirt, but when we execu "lscpu" inside the VM, we can not see the "svm" feature, so we could not create a L2 instance inside the VM.

However, when we set the "cpu_mode" to "host-passthrough" and hard reboot the VM, the "svm" is set correctly within the VM.

We guess it might because of some CPU feature dependencies which cause this issue. Can you help us to take a look? Thanks