Comment 10 for bug 1978489

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Jan Graichen (jgraichen) wrote :


We're affected by this bug too. Unfortunately, the patch changes the behavior for instances by completely removing the default cputune. Therefore, instance are no longer weighted to each other at all.

We tried adding `quota:cpu_shares` to our flavors (vcpus * 100), but that isn't applied to any existing instance. They stay unweighted and are now overloaded by new instances.

As far as we know, updating flavors never was planned to affect existing instances, even if there are only some extra spec changes, but here, a bug/change breaks all existing instances, and fixing the flavor doesn't help at all.

Some other flavors already had `quota:cpu_shares` > 10000. They broke completely too and cannot be fixed without patching inside the nova database at around three places.

Is there any workaround to rebuilding hundreds of instances like force nova to override flavors of existing instances?