Comment 0 for bug 1936278

Revision history for this message
Takashi Kajinami (kajinamit) wrote :

nova-mange placement audit command always fails because the target resource provider is not found
# nova-manage placement audit --resource_provider dbba1bf7-6e97-4dcb-8d4c-37fe36633358 --verbose
Resource provider with UUID dbba1bf7-6e97-4dcb-8d4c-37fe36633358 does not exist.
Error: non zero exit code: 127: OCI runtime error

However the resource provider record actually exists in Placement.

(overcloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack resource provider list --uuid dbba1bf7-6e97-4dcb-8d4c-37fe36633358 --os-placement-api-version 1.14
| uuid | name | generation | root_provider_uuid | parent_provider_uuid |
| dbba1bf7-6e97-4dcb-8d4c-37fe36633358 | compute-0.redhat.local | 28 | dbba1bf7-6e97-4dcb-8d4c-37fe36633358 | None |

Looking at placement access log, the command is sending request with &uuid=<uuid> instead of ?uuid=<uuid>

2021-07-15 02:02:28.101 24 INFO placement.requestlog [req-a9d4942e-411a-4901-b05e-98ec1239ef70 31e1d736a759444f92346daf932243ff 91063c94413548b695edc6a0ef1f1252 - default default] "GET /placement/resource_providers&uuid=dbba1bf7-6e97-4dcb-8d4c-37fe36633358" status: 404 len: 162 microversion: 1.14

Steps to reproduce
- Look up existing resource provider uuid
 $ openstack resource provider list
- Run audit command with one of the ids specified
 $ nova-manage placement audit --resource_provider <rp id>

Expected result
The command succeeds without error

Actual result
The command fails with the following error

Resource provider with UUID <id> does not exist.

This issue was initially found in the following downstream bug.

Logs & Configs