Comment 0 for bug 1895976

Revision history for this message
Adrian Vladu (avladu) wrote :

Because of the commit that introduced platform checks for enabling / using http openstack metadata (, Linux machines will stop loading http metadata when running on "unsupported" platforms / hypervisors like Hyper-V, XEN, OracleCloud, VMware, OpenTelekomCloud - leading to a whole suite of bug reports and fixes to a non-issue.

Let's try to solve this problem once for all the upcoming platforms / hypervisors by adding a configuration option on the metadata level: platform_check or is_platform_supported (suggestions are welcome for the naming). The value of the config option should be true in order to maintain backwards compatibility.

No one would like to patch well-working OpenStack environments for this kind of issues and it is always easier to control / build the images you use on private OpenStack.