Comment 0 for bug 1852446

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Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

- [x] This is a doc addition request.

The admin configuration for hypervisors does not have a subpage with details about configuring nova with the ironic compute driver. There are at least a few things that could go into a page like that:

* Summary of what it does and how it interacts with the ironic service as a 'hypervisor'. Some of that information is available in the ironic docs, e.g.:

Since it comes up from time to time, I would also mention that the ironic driver is the only one in nova would the compute_nodes table record is 1:M with the compute services table record for the given host, meaning a nova-compute service can manage multiple ComputeNodes, and the ComputeNodes for the ironic driver managed compute service uses the ironic node uuid for the compute node hypervisor_hostname (nodename) and uuid fields. And ironic node : compute node : instance are 1:1:1. This is more contributor/reference information but it's worth mentioning somewhere since it's kind of tribal knowledge in nova.

* Ironic-specific configuration:

- This could also include things like configuring baremetal flavors:

- Running multiple nova-computes in HA mode managing the same set of nodes:

* Scaling and performance issues. Some of this is discussed in this mailing list thread:

- Partitioning schemes:

* Known limitations / missing features, e.g. move operations (migrate/resize).

Release: on 2018-09-04 18:11:45
SHA: 8a71962e0149fa9ad7f66c17849bf69df3e78d33