Comment 5 for bug 1820612

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

> Issuing the command to migrate an instance from openstack-6 to another hosts (openstack-17) which does have enough resources

How are you migrating the server exactly? What command or REST API call are you making, with what parameters? Are you specifically targeting openstack-17 or just assuming the scheduler is going to select it?

Because from this log message, it looks like the scheduler is trying to resize to the same host on which the instance is already running:

2019-03-18 12:56:49.112 301805 DEBUG [req-786024d5-2ba8-450c-9809-bbafaf7c15bd 7a5e20f2d1fc4af18f959a4666c2265c b07f32d8f1f84ba7bbe821ee7fa4f09a - f750199c451f432f9d615a147744f4f5 f750199c451f432f9d615a147744f4f5] New allocation request containing both source and destination hosts in move operation: {'allocations': [{'resource_provider': {'uuid': u'4ce95dcf-4c42-47cf-bd1e-48a0f4a5ecec'}, 'resources': {u'VCPU': 4, u'MEMORY_MB': 2048, u'DISK_GB': 20}}, {'resource_provider': {'uuid': u'57990d7c-7b10-40ee-916f-324bf7784eed'}, 'resources': {u'VCPU': 4, u'MEMORY_MB': 2048, u'DISK_GB': 20}}]} _move_operation_alloc_request /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/scheduler/client/

Do you have allow_resize_to_same_host=True in nova.conf? Maybe that doesn't matter because it looks like you're not doing a resize, but a cold migration, because VCPU/MEMORY_MB/DISK_GB are not changing. Or maybe you're doing a live migration - because it seems you might be getting here:

My guess is this is a release from before Queens? Are you running Ocata or Pike or something older? Because I think you might be hitting a symptom of something that was fixed in Queens with this blueprint: