Comment 1 for bug 1784666

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Someone said the same in this change:

Hello melanie, I meet the same problem about request-id in log.
I think this bug is similar to cinder bug as Rikimaru Honjo says.
In his patch, eventlet.monkey_patch() must before import oslo_log (actually before import oslo_context).

In nova, we do eventlet.monkey_patch() in nova/cmd/ but import oslo_service in nova/,
and in oslo_service will import oslo log.

In my environment, I delete the monkey_patch() in nova/cmd/ and put it to nova/ before oslo_service.
In this way, the request-id (including the periodic task) will not be replaced by other processes.

I think this maybe more suitable to close bug#1773102.