Comment 9 for bug 1736920

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Stephen Finucane (stephenfinucane) wrote :

I finally got around to investigating this today. tl;dr: there does not appear to be an issue here.

The return value of '' is 'glanceclient.common.utils.RequestIdProxy', owing to the use of the 'add_req_id_to_object' decorator [2]. This is *not* a generator, which means the 'inspect.isgenerator' conditional at [1] is False and we will never convert these large images to a list. In fact, there appears to be only one case that does trigger this: the 'glanceclient.Client.images.list' case, which returns a 'glanceclient.common.utils.GeneratorProxy' object due to the use of the 'add_req_id_to_generator' decorator. This is the function at the root of bug #1557584. As such, the fix is correct and there's nothing to do here besides possibly documenting things better in the code.
