Comment 4 for bug 1693168

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Can anyone say what happens when you run:

nova quota-class-show default

As a non-admin? I'm interested in how the policy rule works:

'is_admin:True or quota_class:%(quota_class)s',

Which is effectively:

'is_admin:True or quota_class:default',

I guess that means you can configure policy per-class?


Also, since you should be able to get the 'server_groups' and 'server_group_members' keys in the os-quota-sets response (which is per-project) on 2.1, that's the workaround.

So in the May 24 nova api subteam meeting we agreed to document the bug and workaround in the api-ref (note that we don't even document os-quota-class-sets in the api-ref today), and then fix this in a microversion for os-quota-class-sets.