Comment 5 for bug 1677913

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sean mooney (sean-k-mooney) wrote :

as noted in
i am not sure this bug was ever valid.
i think the real issue was ooo url encoding extra params incorrectly.

from the libvirt docs at

"Extra parameters can be added to remote URIs as part of the query string (the part following "?"). Remote URIs understand the extra parameters shown below. Any others are passed unmodified through to the back end. Note that parameter values must be URI-escaped."

ooo should only have been url encoding partater not understood by libvirt which i dont think they should have been using to start with. ignoring that point for a moment i suspect that ooo just url encoded the entire sting not understanding that that woudl be invalid and that they need to url encode each parmater indigivuly if its not one of the supported set and then do s replce of % with %% because nova requires this to be a vaild python format string.

we have some patches up to adress this now so i guess the deprecation of live_migration_uri
and its replacment is gong to continue but as someone who never was in foavor of that direction im kind of sad to find that the bug that one of the related bugs that caused it is likely not correct.