Comment 0 for bug 1663315

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

On i386 and amd64, openstack puts 'OpenStack Nova', into the dmi platform
information. OpenStack using kvm on ppc64el or ppc64, does not identify itself
to the guest in any way.

The result is that cloud-init cannot identify it is running on openstack.

We need two things
 a.) change openstack to provide that information through libvirt on ppc64
     in some way.
 b.) possibly changes in qemu to pass information through that the guest
     can see. Some options here might include putting information in
     the device tree or possibly on the attached disk (model of the disk could be 'OpenStack disk XXXX').

Related bugs:
 bug 1660385: Alert user of Ec2 Datasource on lookalike cloud
 bug 1661797: identify lxd-nova platform to enable Openstack datasource
 bug 1661693: identify brightbox platform to enable Ec2 datasource
 bug 1663304: identify openstack kvm platform on arm64
 bug 1662345: [qemu] smbios parameter settings not visible in guest