Comment 22 for bug 1602057

Revision history for this message
JuanJo Ciarlante (jjo) wrote :

FYI we're also hitting this on trusty/mitaka for what looks
like incompletely deleted instances:

* still running at hypervisor, ie
virsh dominfo UUID # shows it ok

* deleted both at nova 'instances' and 'block_device_mapping' tables.

Once certain it's still running at hypervisor,
our workaround is to revive the instance at nova DB
with something like:

mysql> begin work;
mysql> update instances
  set vm_state='active', deleted=0, deleted_at=NULL
  where uuid='<UUID>';
mysql> update block_device_mapping
  set deleted=0, deleted_at=NULL
  where instance_uuid='<UUID>';
mysql> commit work;

Note also it has happened to us from failed migrations
(ie instance shown at the 'wrong' host at nova DB),
we've fixed those by adding to the 1st SQL

 host='<service_hostname>', node='<hypervisor_hostname>',

with above hostname-s as:
- <service_hostname> from nova service-list
- <hypervisor_hostname> from nova hypervisor-list