Comment 0 for bug 1570270

Revision history for this message
Markus Zoeller (markus_z) (mzoeller) wrote :

Version: Nova Newton master b335318 Jenkins 2016-04-13

Steps to reproduce:
    * checkout nova code
    * in base folder execute: "tox -e genconfig"
    * check section "[xenserver]" in file "etc/nova/nova.conf.sample"

There is too much whitespace between the "#" on the left side until
the actual doc starts. The multiline comment at [2] is not properly
formatted. See the other sections for the expected result.


# From nova.conf

# Number of seconds to wait for agent's reply to a request.
# Nova configures/performs certain administrative actions on a
# server with the help of an agent that's installed on the
# server.
# The communication between Nova and the agent is achieved via
# sharing messages, called records, over xenstore, a shared
# storage across all the domains on a Xenserver host.
# Operations performed by the agent on behalf of nova are:
# 'version',' key_init',
# 'password','resetnetwork','inject_file',
# and 'agentupdate'.
