Comment 8 for bug 1541691

Revision history for this message
Ravi Shekhar Jethani (ravishekar-jethani) wrote :

In addition to the solutions proposed another solution would be to:

Truncate the regex part of the message to 256(or something else) characters

Limit the no. of characters in ex.message( to 256.
All the extra characters after the limit are truncated to '...'
We can do something like:

diff --git a/nova/api/validation/ b/nova/api/validation/
index 2ae5dfe..270089d 100644
--- a/nova/api/validation/
+++ b/nova/api/validation/
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ from nova import exception
 from nova.i18n import _

 def _validate_datetime_format(instance):
@@ -163,16 +166,22 @@ class _SchemaValidator(object):
             self.validator.validate(*args, **kwargs)
         except jsonschema.ValidationError as ex:
+ msg = ex.message
+ # Error messages can be very long and cryptic because of the
+ # embeded regex pattern. So put a limit on the message length.
+ # Refer
+ if len(ex.message) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
+ msg = "{0}...".format(ex.message[:MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH])
             # NOTE: For whole OpenStack message consistency, this error
             # message has been written as the similar format of WSME.
             if len(ex.path) > 0:
                 detail = _("Invalid input for field/attribute %(path)s."
                            " Value: %(value)s. %(message)s") % {
                                'path': ex.path.pop(), 'value': ex.instance,
- 'message': ex.message
+ 'message': msg
- detail = ex.message
+ detail = msg
             raise exception.ValidationError(detail=detail)

Example output:

$ nova boot --flavor 1 --image 21ef6ba1-1d71-42af-87a1-94216eb20217 "test "
ERROR (BadRequest): Invalid input for field/attribute name. Value: test . u'test ' does not match u'^(?![\\ \\\xa0\\\u1680\\\u180e\\\u2000\\\u2001\\\u2002\\\u2003\\\u2004\\\u2005\\\u2006\\\u2007\\\u2008\\\u2009\\\u200a\\\u202f\\\u205f\\\u3000])[\\ \\!\\"\\#\\$\\%\\&\\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\-\\.\\/0123456789\\:\\;\\<\\=\\>\\?\\@A... (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-0a745169-f33e-4e13-aedd-e7160080e250)