Comment 8 for bug 1538169

Revision history for this message
daniel.pawlik (daniel-pawlik) wrote : Re: Quota_server_group_members parameter is not respected by nova

I cherry-pick your patch and this fix doesn't solve the whole problem.

quota_server_group_members = 5

stack@watcher-launchpad:~$ nova boot --flavor c1 --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --nic net-id=cb100c59-8a61-4740-aaca-5351d9ebff63 --hint group=ea4b6aa4-784b-4ac6-90f9-efe44728ed54 --min-count=2 --max-count=10 test1
ERROR (Forbidden): Quota exceeded, too many servers in group (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-3b720127-308d-4c95-a825-a79157f5eb86)
stack@watcher-launchpad:~$ nova list
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |

It should spawn 5 instances (there was no instance in group when I make request) - min. 2 instances, but max should be equal to quota_server_group_members.