Comment 2 for bug 1427772

Revision history for this message
Markus Zoeller (markus_z) (mzoeller) wrote :

Chris Dent wrote in #1:

> * pass the hosts listed as forced into the filters but only run
> those filters which are deemed required when doing a force

I think that's the outcome of the ML post.

> So the question becomes: does the second reason matter?

I don't know enough of the claim logic to answer that. Sylvain and
Nikola seem to know more about that.

> If not we should mark this as incomplete, or invalid, or not a
> bug and get it off the radar.

I think it's fair to close a bug report when we don't come to a
conclusion within 1 year, as it indicates that this is an issue
which might not be important enough to spent effort on it. To
clearly indicate that this bug report is expired, I'm in favor
of using the status "won't fix" with a comment that this is an
expired issue. But this expiration policy I have in mind is not yet
in place [1].
