Comment 25 for bug 1383465

Revision history for this message
Yongli He (yongli-he) wrote :

i does work on it. wo got a +2, there are some discuss about the solution. i summarize the main focus here:

1 ) Concern : not completely resolve the problem the db init sync up problem
      Answer: that issue had another bug for that:

2) retrial stats from db is not good
      wo need trust the information from the instance: which it holded, it's in use. this way, make resize simplify, make it align to vcpu/mem resource management.

 3) there might be compete opportunity: when pci reported free device, but actually there is no, same device might assign to 2 vm:

        there is no such risk. because after reported the stats, the local pci manager allocation pool been updated. new devices will assign to new VM.